Going back to Sky Ranch for three weeks felt a bit like going home. It was, for the most part, a cold, crisp and refreshing spring at 9200', and the mountains were just as beautiful as I remembered. For a while, I was "concernicus" that Colorado would pale in comparison with BC's Coast Range, and while it is less formidable, it is no less picturesque. Please note the bias.
For three weeks I taught Environmental Education to 3-6 graders. My class was trees. This involved discussing the plague of the Rocky Mountain Pine Beetle and waltzing about in the woods. I myself learned a great deal about the Pine Beetle as well as how difficult it is to get ten 8 year olds to plant 4 inch saplings in a neat 12 x 12" grid without trampling existing trees into oblivion.
Graduation was spectacular, we had live jazz at P/M's grad party (which was a smash hit in spite of the downpour), and it was an excellent time. My cibs are cool.
After the commotion, Dad, Paul and I escaped for two nights to Delaney lakes. We caught lots of little rainbows, I caught a big cutthroat/rainbow (cuttbow, see photo above), and we had an excellent time. Paul and I discovered that sleeping next to an open fire under the stars isn't as romantic as it sounds. Between being woken up by the moderate asphyxiation of inhaling smoke while sleeping due to changing wind direction, and waking up with one's pillow/hat/sleeping bag covered in a heavy frost, I think next time I'll simply brave the cold and nix the fire. Also my sleeping bag smells like beef jerky.
Tomorrow PMN and I are of to Moab to brave the desert heat in search of hardcore mountian biking, slot canyons in which to hike, and cool oases in which to soak our soon-to-be battered bodies.
Hope all's well!