Friday, October 30, 2009

Whistler, Round 2

Well, here we go again!

After much ado, I've secured a work permit to return to Whistler for one more winter.

I return this time under much different circumstances than my carwith, penniless, lonely, debut of last October. This time:

I have a job that I love.
I have a place to live.
I have friends.
I have ski pants which repel water and have not a stitch of duct tape on them.
I know exactly what I'm getting myself into.

Well, sort of. See, the Olympics are in Whistler this year, which adds an incomprehensibly large variable to this already-unstable town. So I don't entirely know what I'm getting myself into. I'd be bored otherwise.

I'll also have a few more responsibilities this season. I may be managing the international house (hopefully), and i'll probably be working more hours. I want to volunteer for the Olympics if there are opportunities, and generally life will be a bit more chaotic than last year.

That said, I don't know yet if I'll be blogging as regularly as last year. But tune in occasionally.

My verbosity comes in spurts.

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