Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Arg...I'm turning right!

Well, the long weekend has made for a frantic couple of days and long hours at work. In fact, I haven't worked this hard since Christmas. No, let me rephrase. I haven't worked hard since Christmas. In fact, prior to yesterday, I occupied 20% of my time at work playing a version of Scrabble someone downloaded to the back computer. Consequently, having the shop crammed full of people was quite a shock. Quite a shock indeed.

I've gotten in the habit of arriving in the village every morning by 8:00am (shocking, I know) whether or not I'm working. That way, even if I have a 10-6 shift I can catch 2-3 hours of skiing in the morning before work and wear the corduroy off the hill before the tourists rouse themselves. As a result of my new routine I'm logging many more ski days that I was during December/January when my working, sleeping, and partying were only occasionally punctuated by ski days. I think today was my ninth consecutive day of skiing.

Anyhow, you'll be wondering about the title.

French Paul was the first to notice. He was giving me some tips for telemark and commented on a very unusual and characteristic feature of my skiing. I wish I had a photo but, had i waited for a photo of this particular phenomenon, I would probably never get around to writing about it.

So Paul was at the bottom of a hill watching me me make my very best tele turns. I pulled to a stop at the bottom and he said "Hey Captain Hook!" Apparently, when I turn right, my left elbow floats skyward, pushing my arm into a hook-like shape. lIt happens most often when I tele, but it was quickly noted by my peers when the trait carried over into the alpine arena. I'm starting to take note of it and keep my elbow next to my side, but sometimes it gets away from me and lurches skyward, unbidden. This has earned me a lot of flak. A lot of flak indeed. Typical comments include "Hello Captain Hook," "Yargh matey," "I'm a ski pirate, arg," and "Yarg...I'm turning right. Turning left. Yarg, I'm turning right. Turning left. Yarg, I'm turning right!"

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